This month I want to focus my gratitude, so I'll be writing about subjects that I appreciate having in my life
I'm going to start with an obvious point.
My partner Jo is fantastic, a term I use to infer all the way she meets my fantasies of what attributes a person should possess.
We disagree on the memory but when she was courting me I recall her making the case that, as we're born less than two days apart, we really must be soul mates.
More recently she observed a certain emotional resonance when stating that we're hurt in similar ways.
I think it's through sharing deep feelings like cracks in our hearts that she's found ways into mine.
Reflecting on Jo's influence the other day, I imagined one of those temples carved into rock with a series of grand spaces.
These are the spaces I grow in my heart with her assistance.
Growth isn't always an easy process and I appreciate the support and guidance she provides.