Playing a fairy

Sharkboy lost his first tooth today.

Tonight will be my first experience as a tooth fairy.

120 Days of Simon

Simon Gärdenfors is a Swedish cartoonist/rapper who undertakes to spend four months couch-surfing and document the result. It took maybe an hour to read and I really enjoyed 120 Days of Simon.

The graphic novel format suits the Kevin Smith-esque narrative. Gärdenfors' gonzo reporting is totally understated by the Astro Boy-style visuals though, it ain't for kids.

Geesed lightning

A visit to Mountford Park

The prolific Biffles

One of the bird hides at Fivebough Swamp has had a visit from Biffles, who is nothing but prolific in signing his name. Aside from these tags, there were a couple of black swans courting there today.

Car harp

During a weekend remembering my love of aeolian harps I was reminded of this awesome work by Lily Gottlieb-Mchale. Her website says the strings are miked and the sound is transmitted through the car radio.

First to 25,000 views

Would you believe that while I was in Cootamundra last weekend my video of an aeolian harp starting up clocked over 25,000 views? That's a personal milestone.

My most popular photograph

Apparently this is the most popular photograph on my blogs.

I guess that around one thousand people have seen it.

It was part of my 2007 exhibition First Three Songs No Flash.

Shit surveillance

Big brother is watching poo!