Being present

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, which is why we call it the present

'Present' can be defined in various ways but I think it's going to be more interesting to blur those lines here.

It's a word that complements 'temporal' in how it relates to worldly affairs and time, as present exists both in space and of space.

Recent times have seen an emphasis on the notion of being 'in the present' and maintaining conscious thought directed on currently passing moments.

This temporal thought is challenged continuously in Western culture, particularly when you consider how swamped we are by advertising -- a form of communication that presents idealised futures where lives are enhanced by products.

Notions of busy-ness and other business become by-products of the process of passing through the present in pursuit of a future, withholding presence in the present as a pretense for future release.

I am grateful to be living in the present.

My dreams of having a film-editing suite and a recording studio are both examples of the virtual opportunities that arise from the digital paradigm.

In the shift to a reality that is analogous yet not analog, we've opened new dimensions in our lives.

Much of this idealised present is contradicted by idealising the present, yet recognises the benefits of balancing the temporal present with our temporary presents in fantasising.

The digital future is fantastic, both in the present and incresing presence.