Giving the finger

Late last year I was pulling up the grass that grows around the house and thinking that I should be wearing gloves

The next day it started, an ache around the end of my left index finger.

I thought it must be one of those spider bites that I've had from pulling up the grass.

Then it continued.

The feeling was more of a burning sensation and within the finger.

It seemed inconsistent though, like not always aching and there was no visible sign on the skin of a bite or redness.

Recently I consulted Dr Google and, while I don't put too much faith in getting the conclusive answer, the results suggested my ache might be early arthritis.

I am surprised it's in my left hand, although I did switch to using that finger for mouse-clicking after getting a raised bump on the tendon that runs along the back of my right hand.

This is the finger I also rely on for fingering the deep notes on my bass guitars.

At present it aches when I bend the finger so the first joint comes down past the second, which means it's mostly noticeable as I make a fist.

However, it's a little reminder that I'm getting old and joins a knee in triggering a kind of "go slow" response.

These are things that I find more confronting than spending time around small children at school.

It might make me reflect on my behaviour though, and stop the tendency I have to join in their games and activities.

Feels like getting old, I guess.