Chase bliss where you find it

Recently I put a Chase Bliss sticker on my vacuum cleaner

While that adhesive message came with a guitar effects pedal, it captures something of my recent experience undertaking domestic duties.

My vacuum cleaner has been providing many weirdly joyful moments.

Last year I made the decision to stop buying paper bags for the Miele model that had been cleaning my homes for nearly 30 years.

It had seen my transition from being a university student living in government housing through to my third or fifth career and then co-owning my own home.

One thing I admired about it was the long steel tube that gave resonances to the particles being drawn into the bag.

There was a sense of satisfaction in feeling the work it was doing.

This is close to the pleasure that is even more pronounced when emptying a bagless vacuum cleaner.

Being able to observe the debris fill the clear plastic catcher is a strange form of positive reinforcement.

It has spurred me on to finding new areas of the house to clean.

First I was vacuuming mattresses, then couches.

Before long I found the brush attachment was good for taking the dust off the blinds that line our windows.

I'm now beginning to wonder if the vacuum might provide an equivalent amount of bliss as my guitar playing, although Chase Bliss Audio have been a part of that enthusiasm recently.

It's been said that nature abhors a vacuum, but I am really into mine.