Live foley sound

It was a series of invitations that led me outside my comfort zone

My partner had been asked to speak at a breakfast event and I thought I would show my support by going along.

Her talk was sensational and, although the breakfast was not my usual thing, I had an opportunity to talk with one of our town's creative luminaries.

She was in the process of rehearsing a play for a town festival that promotes Art Deco and the interwar era of the 20th Century.

It was interesting to learn how Leonie had taken lessons from her previous production and arrived at writing a radio play, which allowed the actors to use scripts onstage.

When live sound effects were mentioned she had my full attention.

There was a challenge with ensuring these props could be heard and, after I spoke about the potential for contact microphone, she asked if I was interested in becoming involved.

Sure, I said I'd have a look and see what assistance I could offer.

After a few ideas didn't work, I found the actor providing the foley sound was keen for help.

As I kept going to rehearsals I became part of the play.

It was my first dramatic performance since Ye Gods in year seven at Woden Valley High School and I had a lot of fun.

Photo by my brother Will Macleod.