Wild Wetlands in Narrandera

Last Saturday I had the opportunity to read my poetry relating to rivers, wetlands and wildlife at the Narrandera Arts Centre

It was an event organised by Dr Greg Pritchard to recognise these water-based ecosystems and included projections onto the former Masonic building.

Other poets on the night included Dr Derek Motion, Julie Briggs (both shown) and Peita Vincent (who took the pic of me). I didn't get a pic of the latter but we had a nice picnic in the park opposite the venue.

It was good to see around 30 people in the audience, including a number of faces I recognised from the Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists.

For my reading I grouped together a series of haiku.

My son Oscar asked if he could join, then asked if it should be a haiku or limerick.

I suggested the latter and he came up with:
There once was a river called Murray
whose water was all in a flurry
from place to place
the water did race
I wonder why it’s in such a hurry