Top five

Each year, when I remember, it's interesting to share the top posts on this blog

  1. Everything exists in history
  2. Asleep at the handlebar
  3. Night At The Museum
  4. Fore(gone)sight
  5. Gentle Sentinel

These results reflect the popular additions during the year and I acknowledge that some older material might have had more visitors than current preoccupations.

Admittedly, it doesn't look like I compiled a top five here since 2016, but maybe I should blog more?

Holiday break

In popular music the notion of a break is an improvised section or percussion feature

So the idea of a holiday break being a drum interlude is cool

I also like the approach of taking a break during the holiday, as in withdrawing from regular activities to focus on more intimate ones.

The break that I'm improvising over here is, of course the most-sampled song in electronic music: the Amen break by The Winstons.

This cornerstone of contemporary music features a snare drum performance by Gregory C. Coleman which has become a defining feature of genres like jungle or drum and bass.

It really is remarkable that such a potent piece of art did not get the recognition it deserves, yet has influenced so much and appeared so broadly through interpretation and transformation.

In this way I'd like to celebrate the end of the year with a break of my own and wish everyone a good one.

Community recognition statement

A few weeks ago there was an invitation in my spam folder

Today I ventured into the Soldiers Club to be formally recognised by the local member.

It was surprising to be remembered for a project from four years ago, but really excellent to be bignoted to parliament and quoted in Hansard.

Feeling the spirit

So I cut down a tree