“The [...] forms symbolise the reality that worship and ideas of religion are created and valued by humankind alone in an attempt to make the finite nature of existence infinite.”
Jonathan Jones Lumination fall wall weave 2006
“The electrical cords of lumination fall wall weave are woven through a wall in repeated loops modelled on the shape of the canoes used by the Cadigal people of Sydney Harbour and surrounds. The domestic light bulbs that hover just above the gallery floor refer to the campfires reflected on the water as described by the first Europeans to arrive there.”
Jade Luscombe Finally there 2015
“communicates my personal growth through my travels to Japan, as the energy and vibrancy of Tokyo allowed me to gain self-confidence.”
Madelyn Rabnott Perceptions 2015
“I wanted to portray the same experience of looking through the window and taking in the diversity of the surrounding suburb.”