Hi gay lord

This photo appeared in my Memories today and it prompted me to consider how times have changed

It was in 2011 that I was working in local government and given a mobile phone that had previously belonged to a manager.

One of the things about working for councils has been they handed me phones that belonged to departed staff members, so you end up getting a lot of their "friends" contacting you.

It was kinda sad and seemed to reflect the lack of interest the former staff had with people, I guess.

Admittedly, most people don't use a provocative slur like this one but I heard this particular general manager described as "antagonistic" — so maybe it reflects the language he used?

This message would've arrived more than 18 months after that person left the role, but maybe it shows a closer relationship than I first thought.

If anyone called me a "gay lord" it would have been a provocation, unless I was wearing something fabulous. 

I expect my kids will school me for sharing this image, as they have corrected less and I appreciate their efforts to assist minorities but I also couldn't help but write this reflection and hope it won't offend anyone.