Dancing across generations

Dancing was part of my studies as a primary school student

It was incredibly unpopular as it involved old-fashioned folk dances and hand-holding while moving around a circle.

Unlike how learning music at school led me to avoid taking any lessons for all of my life (yet I now have over a dozen solo albums), I did seek out breakdancing lessons at the local YMCA and learned routines.

However, it’s a different experience for my kids and it’s unlike my upbringing because I never saw my parents dance together.

In comparison my family engaged in dance battles in the kitchen some nights.

So it was obvious to me how social dancing took a massive leap with the popularity of the game Fortnight.

It was surprising to see my youngest son took steps to imitate the characters, even though he was too self-conscious to dance for a long time.

When we were at a Burner event one time and he refused to dance, I encouraged him to just floss a bit and he got such a reaction that he soon moved to the centre of the dance floor.