Monday morning and I feel strangely refreshed
There’s been a lot of sleep over the weekend, as well as exercise and good meals.
It’s when I begin reflecting on watching a couple of films that I realise.
This weekend is the first this year that all of my children have been at home.
That weird sense of ease and everything being where it’s meant to be?
Yeah, totally.
As much as I love seeing my children becoming their own adults living on campus in Canberra, it really soothed an itch that I hadn’t identified by having them in their own bedrooms for a few nights.
I can see where the ideological lines became drawn like a generation gap, as well as the sense that they had in some ways left home before they moved out.
I also get to breathe in the culture they breathe in another place, by consuming the music and movies and ick as it sounds — breathing in their beautiful young biomes.
That sense of balance is an exchange and I am grateful for it.
Ducks in a row
my clan