For my part in Art Misadventure #3 I've been given three apples as inspiration, as well as an unusual piece of gallery space.
I've been fascinated by the premise of this exhibition, that by controlling the subject matter and exhibition space of the artists, their processes will be revealed.
This exhibition is an inquiry into deconstructing creative practice. To explore this the artists will have to relinquish some control of their making and abide by a set of constraints designed by the curator.'
The three apples have allowed me to explore the mediums I had in mind, particularly audio-video and comics.

This comic shows a scene from a story in the One Thousand and One Nights collection, where Scheherazade tells a tale which features three apples. The story interested me because it ends with one character being revealed for being lazy and, when he's instructed to find something, he waits for it to come to him.
The story has been described as a "whodunit" murder mystery with multiple plot twists. However, although the story has detective fiction elements, it lacks a detective, in that the person charged with investigating the murder, Ja'far, does nothing to solve the crime, but in both cases sits at home awaiting his fate.
This reflects my process in some ways. When we were brought together for this exhibition I waited a while before taking a numbered seat, taking one that was left next to my partner. When we were encouraged to select the package holding our inspiration, I waited until others had chosen theirs and I think this strategy served me well. Brian Eno says the first part of any project is scoping the constraints, establishing the parameters as much as the resources available. Good karma too.
And what have I got to show for myself? Here's how my apple remix sounds.