An old notebook reveals the 1994 origins of the lyrics for one of my better tunes, Blue Moon. The chorus was written in 2008 while recording VISCERA for the RPM Challenge, which was a great deadline to ensure I produced a bunch of music.
Blue Moon by ShowcaseJase
Do you remember the blue moon?
it was the night you made me swoon
Old flame never tamed
still alive in my chest
your name sounding plain
still quickens my breath
It aches a whisper quakes
on a soon remembered lip
as the thought is finished quickly
my guard no longer slipped
Why should you even care?
about something that was never there
Do you remember the blue moon?
it was the night you made me swoon
you probably never knew
you were in another room
Ease back from that flash
brought from the depth of my past
to steal back into
a self-conscious laugh
For your memory will still exist
after this moment has passed
It's my lacklustre tale
romantic half-mast
Why should you even care?
about something that was never there
Do you remember the blue moon?
it was the night you made me swoon
you probably never knew
you were in another room
dancing to a different tune
with some other dude
Blue Moon (Jase's single take) by ShowcaseJase
Above is a solo version of the song. My favourite is this instrumental gutar triggered by a drum loop and effected version:
Blue Moon by bassling