It occurred to me, as I started driving to Gundagai and the light came on to say the fuel tank was nearly empty, that if people drove slower then their petrol would go further.
Apparently your car uses 25% more fuel to drive at 110km/h than it does to drive at 90km/h.
Perhaps we should lower speed limits on highways to decrease the demands on the dwindling oil supplies?
I don't know the math but that would have to be like giving hybrids to a significant portion of the driving population.
Sure, it would probably be more unpopular than giving $35 million to Toyota to come and build hybrid cars in Australia but, it would mean we could encourage car manufacturers to build lighter (and, therefore, more economical) cars for our roads and make further efficiency savings.
I applaud the government for ensuring Toyota have a presence here. Look what happened to Kodak, they had factories that had an error rate that was basically zero but couldn't keep selling film for cameras and jobs were lost.
We know the modeling for climate change paints a really depressing picture for the future. We also know that politicians only think in terms of the next election.
It's time to provoke people to think how they can make a difference.
Because they can keep their heads buried about climate change but the world has passed its peak for oil production.