The year didn't really go to plan on here.

It started with an ambition to keep increasing my blog posts and now, as it ends, I'm realising my Bassling blog may overtake this one for output in 2014.

In part it's because I've been focusing more on producing audio and have spent less time documenting passing interests on here.

Another part might be the demise of blogging, a trend I've resisted but can see that other websites have stolen a lot of the audience.

Why have a one-sided conversation on here when I can get a better response on Facebook? (Well, sometimes I want a one-sided conversation, I guess; and other times I use this site as a way to capture stuff.)

Anyway, this year was a good year for my audio productions. A few tracks came out on US-based releases, as well as a couple of self-produced ones.

Another highlight was remixing an apple for the Art Misadventure #3 exhibition at The Roxy.

Western Riverina Arts commissioned me to create a soundtrack for their Reimagining the Murrumbidgee exhibition and then gave me a part-time job, duties for which included designing the catalogue and promoting the show.

I returned to the playgrounds to produce more material for the Centenary of Leeton although I ditched the idea of screening in The Roxy and organised projections on a couple of water towers, like Metropolis in 2011.

The album WHILE brought together some of the better tracks produced for the first 100 Disquiet Juntos.

And I experimented with producing videos for the Junto but found not every project suited this medium.

At the beginning of the year I also experimented with keeping a sketchbook diary and published a few examples. It was fun but time-consuming, though I'm considering returning to the activity next month.

Experimentation continued with reviews of alcoholic drinks in haiku poetry:
The pop and the fizz
illustrate detonating
deeply tanned berries

Moonlighting as a small business called Witch Media led me to make a TVC for Bidgee Binge which put my bass-playing on air, a track that resulted from a Junto.

Yeah, it's been a good year. You can find a bit more about my 2013 here and it will explain these 12 five-second sections of audio:

All the best in 2014 :)

Nils Frahm on toilet brushes

Read a lot of rave reviews about this guy's performances and this video gives some idea why. Thanks to Schemawound for drawing my attention to it. He's good to know if you want atuff put in your ear.

Remixed one of Nils' tunes earlier this year.

And I remixed some of Schemawound's work too

When I broke Twitter

Murrumbidgee view NOT

Just noticed this not-so-local image on the website of my local state-based member

While responding to the Disquiet Junto

The Disquiet Junto is an online group of musicians who respond to weekly directions, sharing their work on Soundcloud. It had its 100th consecutive project this week and it was my 36th track.

I've said the Disquiet Junto is giving me an education and that is a deliberate choice of words because it's a great model for learning. Each week I explore a new creative constraint, learning through my own practise and then comparing and contrasting my experinces with my peers.

It has been a really good activity for me, both for learning and for practice. There are some months in the year where I feel less productive, you can see the pattern in my blog posts. The Junto encourages me to make music and produce audio at times when I need encouragement.

This weekend I made a really good track from the sound of boiling water. It's the sort of thing I might try but not finish, so settting a deadline is another benefit for me. Duke Ellington is attributed with saying "I don't need time, I need a deadline."

This weekend I also finished compiling and remastering 20 tracks for an album of my favourite Junto pieces. I'll post it in the coming week but for now I've created a playlist of the first drafts and listed below are the blog posts about each Junto, including both the Disquiet.com instruction and the discussion at Bassling.com

In a few places there's additional content, including video and one sketchbook diary. Enjoy!

Heading out - Disquiet Junto Project 0089: V’Ger

Accoster (Featuring Jared Brickman's Every Day We Are Dying and Outer Space Does Not Give One Single Fuck)- Disquiet Junto Project 0065: Piano Overlay

No Nofi (Featuring Lee Rosevere) - Disquiet Junto Project 0066: Communing with Nofi

Having a Barney - Disquiet Junto Project 0095: Discuss Amongst
Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr0be-5c8cI

One totem to another - Disquiet Junto Project 0094: Naturalist Trio

Solitary - Disquiet Junto Project 0053: Ice for 2013
Comic http://showcasejase.blogspot.com.au/2013/01/melting.html

Sundaze - Disquiet Junto Project 0099: In the Key of X

Tanku (Remix of Xesus Valle's Tanku) - Disquiet Junto Project 0028: Netlabel Net

Red beards - Disquiet Junto Project 0061: Textinstagr/am/bient

Borrowed dream - Disquiet Junto Project 0076: Dream Sound Dream

100ºC - Disquiet Junto Project 0100: Vapor Wave

Gudyiwagagi - Disquiet Junto Project 0085: 3 Parts

July August September October November - Disquiet Junto Project 0050: -…….–.-..-…-

Enter at own wrist - Disquiet Junto Project 0056: Matter of Time

I had a sense - Disquiet Junto Project 0098: Woven Audiobiography

Ballot to the head - Disquiet Junto Project 0088: 3D